jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Last Post of the year!

Let's go to be honest. I really don't have a good experience here in the university in relation with english leassons. How to make a good class? Well, I think firts that the english that we have to learn, teach us how to be a good turist. We learn how to give and ask for adress, we talk about money, but we really don't learn how to comunicate basically. We don't talk much, so the pronunciation always it's a problem (in general terms) I think that the only way to learn a good english it's speaking with english speakers. I don't feel very well with the idea that we, like latin american people have understand like a reuirment learn english, why the gringos doesn't learn the lenguaje to the countrys where they going? A very confortable position. So, I really prefer put the attention in others knowledges.
But anyways, continue be honest no one really enjoy going to the english classes. Like all said in to the beginig of the course we only take it because it's a requerment to go out of the career. Souns really sad but it's the true. Maybe the course has to be an complementary course. In that sense the people who take it it's going to take it because really want to learn something and no like and obligation. It's make more friendly everything isnt it?

Well, anaway I apreciete the people who goes. And the teacher that goes to.

Post 9 - About study programme

Hi every one!  I'm a little bit late with this because last classes I was travel because a exploratory session of a class called Antrophology of Nature. But this experiences, like the one that we had to do it's in directed relation with the topic of today, changes to the study programme. We are studing for be antrophologist, and I think that we don't hace the enough tools to deal with people. A few times we had the oportunities to go outside, to the real social world to do an Aplied Antrophologist, in oposition to the theorical one. So deal with people in the real life it's always a challenge. How to proceed correctly. We don't really know. For that reason I think that the carrear must do like a requirement that all the asignatures have to do an experiencies in the real world. Less clases under fours walls and more classes interacting with people, that it's a very complex situation.

Another thing that I think that the carreer must to pay attention with, it's the relation of the students and the teachers, there is a lot of asignatures along the career that really don't tech anything. And it's only fault of the teacher, because a good class it't always welcome, but come teacher reaaly don't know how to teach, they are not teacher actually, just academic teacher. I could enumerate more than ten asignatures that we cannnot rescue anything. And that's a shame and a pitty.

Last Post of the year!

Let's go to be honest. I really don't have a good experience here in the university in relation with english leassons. How to make a...