First of all a very short summary about this new. In a few words, the Supreme Court of Chile for the first time in history let to change the name and register gender of a transgender person without needing any surgical intervention. There isn't a name or a photo or more datails about who the person here is, (maybe because this one wants to keep their identity) but anyways it's a great news.
I choose this very short article because the conflict between the state and LGTB people is a fundamental and cultural problem, related to the aceptation of the diversity. I think that the role of an antrophologyst is to mediate this comunication problems to make a society less intolerant. It is assumed that the goberment has to provide an armony in the territory that they appropiate, they want to make a nation that integrate all the people who doesn't choose live here, so it's obvius that they have to accept this kind of request in the name of welfare. In other ways if they don't promove the aceptation, is just a sing that their system it's not working and it's useless.
We are moving slowly forward as a nation. Unfortunatelly, we still depend on the opinion of our congress, a group of conservative men who donnot want to lose their power. We can work as individuals to change our minds in real terms and have and experience freedom.