viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Ideas for holidays

Hi there! I has the same feeling that the teacher, I don’t really like to make plans, because I even’t don’t know what I’m go to lunch tomorrow. But I have some ideas about what I’m going to do for this January and February. Here they are:

1.       I have a friend that lives in Coelemu, a little town near to Conception in the 8° region. In that place I’m always welcome, so go an spent a week there it’s definitely a good idea. She has a very nice home in the middle of nothing, and we think that it’s the perfect place to make noise, her brother has a drums and a guitar, even a microphone, so we can play laughter and make music.

2.       I really want to spend time with my family in La serena so, just be on my home and share time with them it’s a good plan

3.       A few week ago I went to “Señor de la tierra – Lord of the earth” in Salamanca 4° region to do an investigation for the university and we share a very nice time with the people who live there. Now I would like to get back there and really help some people that I care. In that days we try to give back all the love and the provision that they share with us, but I think that it’s not enough. So I want to go to help a very nice Lady that let us water they garden, she told us that because of them legs problems, she can’t put all the care that she want in she’s plants, so I really want to share time with her working in her beautiful garden

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Breaking News

Two or three days ago, I was on facebook reading stuffs and on the main page appears a new from CNN Chile with the title of: "Isolated tribe must killed a American missionary". I red the new and I search more information in others pages, but the situation was similar. "An American missionary is shot to death by the most isolated and dangerous tribe in the world". This situation it’s shows us how blind are the social media, and the media in general. Show titles like those it means that the people are going to feel pain and suffering because of the death of the young boy. But what about the tribe? And what about the intention of the guy to go the this island? Those questions don’t appear on the news at all, and it’s worrying, because turns more big the prejudices about another way of living. I really don’t know nothing about the people to live there, and I think that the only way to know It’s actually know them so, the only thing that I really can do I this situation It’s to give an opinion but from the speculation.

To inform in a good way to the people I was write about what’s it’s evangelize and what’s are the intention trough that. I was explain was the value of grow on a territory that is not interfered by and state or a country, the value of the own support that it’s a way so little in this world. This topic generates a reflection, more than just said that they are killers.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Future Job

Where could work an antrophologyst? Well.. that's a question that I make me all the time. Government organizations? Private organization? an ONG? Yes, in all those pleaces but in non at time. Why? In my personal opinion make  interviews and etnographys -that last trhee or for days- it's not a good way to put in practice the anthropologic knowledge. (Those kind of task are  the things of an anthropologist has to do it in those spaces) . The anthropologic knowledge it’s work to try to make a dialogue between the cultural differences of people and that it's not too easy to made with a superficial close up with the persons  that we (like an anthropologist) are care about it. So, having in to consideration that I would like to work not formaly like an anthropologist. I would like to put in practice all the things that I learning now but with others tools, tools that transform the knowledge in a lenguaje that it's easy to understen for everybody, like the art for example. I wold like to teach using this tools, not on a classroom in the formaly way, conversely I wold like to expand the for walls of the schools and share important things that I consider elemental to make this society a little more tolerant, like the feminism or topics about how to knock down predjuices or a good awere of the body. etc. 

pd: I dont' know if this it's enough to answere the question of the topic of this sesion but, It's a very personal reflexion. Cheers!

Last Post of the year!

Let's go to be honest. I really don't have a good experience here in the university in relation with english leassons. How to make a...